
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tangata Pasifika

It was a shock getting our class picked to be on " Tagata Pasifika ". When i just heard i was nervous because i might get the tinglies & dont even know what to say in front of the camera.

When they came in they had first introduced themselves & the one that first introduced themselves was "Okensene". Okesene was the one that comes up to us & says "Whats it to you about Christmas" my first explanation to that question was "getting the whole entire family on to the table and getting to know eachother very well".

Once they were going through all the students in our class they had gotten all the footage that they needed & they said "all there fortage will be on Tagata Pasifika channel one & said there last farewells & left.

That was a thrilling morning with the show "Tagata Pasifika".

1 comment:

  1. Wow Emilee
    What a very cool story that you have.
    And welldone on your story i really like it.
    Keep it up...


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